LEARN from me
Musing’s - The Cosmic Quill
Explore the Living Language of Energy, Healing, Astrology & Alchemy—A Journey Beyond Trends to Authentic Self-Discovery.
Pluto The Great Transformer.
March 23rd 2023, Pluto changes signs into Aquarius. This is massive; get ready for extraordinary change.
Beliefs; Depression; & Perceived Madness.
Our Beliefs Can lead us to believe that something is wrong with us when, for the first time, we are willing to face our pain; we finally allow ourselves to grieve our former selves, our former dreams, and our former identities. Entering the night of the soul is the craking open.
Questions & Finding Yourself
When emotional triggers hit us from seemingly nowhere, it’s usually a vital sign of where you need to focus. This begins with asking different questions and understanding when this first started in your life.
Vibrational Healing -Hearts, Homes and Environments
Delahrose Roobie Myer - Lifestyle Concierge
Design with Awareness, Passion & Intention
Transcription interview With Delahrose talking about how Intuitive Design & Wellness go hand in hand.
The Soul of Living Whole.
enliven, inspire, stimulate, engage
bring to life, change, and transform
discover, understand, and incite
waking the sensation inside
awaken who you are
Aspirational Vision
A desire to bring back the heart of village living in modern-day times.
Astrology; The Sum of Many Things.
Astrology opens you to a deeper understanding of yourself in relationship to life.
Design & Good Health
Environmental wellness and good design walk hand-in-hand, all things considered, will be shown in the outcome!
Delahrose Roobie Myer
How To Deliver Value With Visual Merchandising
Visual Merchandising Harris Farm Markets Sydney.
Intuitive Design For Wellness.
Wellness Design Specialist. The future of wellness in design. www.awakendesigns.com.au
Mystical Oracle, Intuitive Designer…
Awaken Heal Transform … It’s all about understanding energy and how to weave it.
Life By Design 1:1 Mentoring
1:1 Mentoring, Supporting You Through The Transitions Of Life.