Pluto The Great Transformer.

“The Revolutionary Age”

The Era of Great Change 

Pluto is entering Aquarius on March 23rd 2023 

As we leave the era of EARTH for the last 200 years, we now enter the AGE OF AIR for the next 200 years! (This occurred in 2020 with the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius.)

The Great Change began in 2020 Into The Age of AIR ENERGY! And now we have the significant planets all moving sign of the next five years.

We started with Jupiter. Saturn will change sign into Pisces on March 8th, and Pluto will change signs in the same month—entering Aquarius on March 23rd, 2023!

The key to navigating the new air element terrain. It will be easy to understand. First, we are individuals; then, we are individuals within a greater whole - we call humanity. We must know ourselves to know the other and to be here standing up for a greater good within humankind.

We can no longer hide behind presentations; energy will either be positive or negative, and it will be felt and understood in this new era. The game has changed/is changing, and a new path will and must emerge. How this emerges will depend on the consciousness it will be born from. Will it take away from or add to humanity for a great good? This is the essence of Aquarius. The Era of Science, Medicine, Technology, Climate, and Communications. The Era of the Nervous System, our Mental Health, our Psychology.   

 Though Pluto will move back into Capricorn for a few months retrograding in 2024, it will be our fearless leader navigator pushing us to break our glass ceilings of consciousness into higher realms of quantum possibilities! Essentially, this is where everything changes and shapeshifters at lightning speed. Understanding the personality traits of Aquarius is an excellent beginning to understanding the influences that will become increasingly present in our world. 

The essence of this sign is often referred to as the water bearer, but the beautiful mortal Aquarius, who caught Zeus's eye and was transported to the realm of the gods, isn’t holding water in his cup; he has higher consciousness.

Aquarius pours thought, collective thought, into the airwaves and aether. And you, as an Aquarian, have a highly attuned antenna to this collective superhighway of the idea. This sign is often called progressive, as you can pick up the views and new paradigms that will be tested and tried in our society.

As a natural conduit, part of the learning is being here and present.  Aquarius sign and the ruling planet, Uranus, are related to the nervous system and the health of your nervous system is an excellent indicator of how you are utilising your sign. 

Could you let me know if you are present? 

Are you in your body or your mind and thoughts? 

Are you shallow breathing or taking deep and full breaths?

In a sense, we are all conduits of the influences, ideas, and systems surrounding us, and what makes something unique is how it is transported through your lens.  

Aquarius has natural objectivity; this allows one to see patterns in things that others may not.

This is an element of the outsider. 

Energy allows us to see things from afar; distance provides exciting new possibilities through observation. Be aware and ask what medium I am channelling my thinking through. Is it a trauma memory or new thought? 

How are you conducting your intel as a receptor of the new thought? 

Through these processes, whatever they may be for you, you ground your intel, land and ride this wave of information, and open up new possibilities and avenues to the rest of us.

Aquarius is the inventor. This archetype can birth new thoughts instantly when we detach from outcomes and focus on the alignment of frequency and energy. Like your fellow Aquarian Thomas Edison, you can bring thought to form and create new ways of being. You can evolve what is. Whatever your avenue is, whatever it is that brings you joy and resonance, regardless of how small or large its scale, could you apply your mind here? You connect dots that most of us do not even see. And we need you. The opposing sign of Leo offers heart medicine to your character. Aquarius is cerebral, and Leo balances that out through being embodied, operating from the heart, and creating from the heart in line with your authentic desires. It’s the drive to take your lens and leave your stamp on the world with it rather than remaining in the realm of thought or idea. It opens you up to the audience and delivers your gold.




The future in the now



Keeping your magic to yourself


Uranus rules Aquarius, which also governs weather, wars, and revolutions. Yes, Aquarius is a humanitarian sign, though it also has a lower consciousness, which is destructive. When it insists on changing, it tends to throw the baby out with the bathwater, metaphorically. It brings shock and sudden awakenings, earthquakes, lightning storms, electricity, energy, our circulation system, and our central nervous system. 

It’s time to become more aware, awake, and conscious of how energy impacts you personally and begin developing measures to manage it; the frequencies are increasing, not decreasing; please note this, when our power is out of balance, so is our whole body and vs versus the body is a whole, not parts, when one part is out of balance so are other parts. 

Aquarius wants to awaken us consciously, and Pluto in Aquarius wants us to realise where we mentally contradict ourselves. Essentially, we are not fully aware of how our shadow is at the helm of the unconscious, and we must bring the unconscious into consciousness! 

So, with exciting times ahead, develop a practice that supports you and reminds you to come home to your soul, heart, and light! Energy flows from the cosmos into your energetic field, funnelling through your mind, down your spine, and into your nervous system, emotions, reactions, words, actions, etc. This is the body’s electrical current; this energy must be EARTHED! Otherwise, it will blow a fuse if not managed. 

We are becoming sovereign and interdependent as we enter the nodal changes in 2023. The north node will enter Aries, and the South Node into Libra! 

The Self vs The Other! We are learning to grow up and be self-responsible! 

Technology, science, medicine, detachment, indifference, abstract, sudden, digital, money is not earthly in the Aquarius period, it’s not attached like earthly capitalism, it’s innovative, infinite in nature, it shifts consciousness, it affects our desires, we become more mental, more air driven, changeable, constantly evolving, becoming telepathic, more psychic, more psychological, Aquarius rules psychology, mental health, we will see the shadow side of these areas becoming more exposed, we will see the corruption of the pharmaceutical industries, including the medical, science industries. The shadows will be exposed through media, TV, broadcasting, and airways. The frequency will impact our energetic field, causing a feeling of nervous racing inside; it can also bring lightning bolt ideas, solutions, and sudden visions. 

Aquarius rules elitism and the stock markets, so expect changes in the guards, exposure to underhanded behaviour, and a bumpy patch for stocks as everything will go through a complete readjustment. Aquarius also rules Truth! Though it can be ruthless in its approach and application to the discovery of truth, 

It’s about cleaning and clearing the Air! Finding inventions that improve efficiency and care for the air, the intellect is Aquarius when it’s in its highest vibration, though initially, with Pluto entering, we must face our shadow Aquarian aspect before we can see and ascend in true awakened conscious awareness, ready to stand for more than material gain at any cost.  

Aquarius is looking to advance the mental mind of possibilities and prove it’s possible! We have Pluto in Aquarius for 20 years! That is Enormous. I mean Enormous! Pluto in Aquarius is the God of the underworld, Meeting and joining with Uranus, the Planet of Revolution! The significant shift of wealth, the bringer or the taker, depends purely on the soul’s karmic contracts. 

Pluto brings great wealth to those ready to manage its power. But first, one must face the shadows of power and control to master the energy of wealth. It comes with great responsibility and consequences when misused. 

Take it easy, question everything, and find tools and practices that keep you centred and grounded and, extremely importantly, stay connected to your heart and emotional intelligence. Aquarius can become cold and detached from the heart when it’s in its shadow. Our collective will demonstrate this unless they have raised their awareness and consciousness of themselves and how they carry themselves and back up what they say with what they physically do and follow through with. Time to face where we lie to others and ourselves instead of seeing it and changing the pattern of continuing to say and promise but not delivering or following through. It’s about becoming conscious. Aware! Focused! Aquarius is sharp. Is masculine. 

Something to think about or perhaps notice in oneself! 

2023 - The Revolutionary Age! Technology Science Consciousness. 

The Red Pill or Blue Pill? Will you choose to believe the Matrix? OR will you ultimately rebel, repute and refuse at any cost? 



Home Designer: Design for Wellness.


Beliefs; Depression; & Perceived Madness.