Life By Design 1:1 Mentoring

Are you in need of developing some areas of your life so that you can happily move to the next stage in a project, refresh your living environment, recover from divorce or other significant trauma or give yourself a fresh start?

The Life by Design Mentoring packages allows me to support you to tap into your true nature, engaging your body, mind, spirit & soul.

Whether in my four-week or 12-week mentoring program, I will introduce you to new perspectives and approaches, free tools and resources, wellness techniques, and map and interpret your astrological path.

Through my professional experience and intuitive and holistic approach, I will support you as an individual, encourage your ideas and help bring them to fruition.

A guiding light is assisting you in navigating your way to wellness. Body Mind Soul … Feng Shui your Life, Home, Environment …

Weekly 1:1 Guidance & Mentoring;
Is This For You?
Book A 15 Min
Complimentary Discovery Call.

A little of What we cover, this is your tailored mentoring program. Personally Adjusted accordingly.

Beginning with your astrology chart,

We go through the various areas and stages of life.

We also look deeper into the shadows and blind spots, peeling back layers of conditioning and hidden beliefs.

We look into the following fundamental pillars

The importance of each, aligning to create life By design.

When we know ourselves deeply, we know what needs to change., Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally, Physically, and Environmentally.

The atmosphere in which we Live Impacts how we feel.

•Decision •willingness •attitude •resonance •dissonance •blame •guilt •big picture •expectation •understanding

Philosophically and Metaphorically, we journey through the perceived beliefs that hold us captive, unable to stretch, grow and expand.

Awaken Magical Thinking.
Heal From Trauma.


Mystical Oracle, Intuitive Designer…


Empowerment Starts When You Claim You!