Changing Of The Guard… The Nodal Shift
Changing Of The Guard… The Nodal Shift Aries/Libra
What are the qualities of the nodal shifts on the collective?
What will be left behind, and what will be garnered going forward?
In fashion
In food
In environment …
Stay in the heart, and watch as the miracles unfold
Knowing Heart Is The Key To Manifestation
Saturn Pisces “making the unreal real.”
In Greek mythology, Saturn (or Cronus) is associated with agriculture, liberation, time, and destiny. He is also known for his powerful authority and determination to maintain law and order. Saturn was often seen as a protector of social rules and the ruler of the seasons. It is said that he possessed mystical powers of prophecy, the ability to use the elements of nature, and his ability to grant wishes.
Questions To Ask Oneself When Triggered?
Willingness to ask the deeper question; helps you shift perspective to see a bigger picture and pattern.
DIVINE HEALING TRANSFORMING ENERGY WORK… Everything Starts as Energy. Get The Energy Right & The Rest Manifests.
Everything is energy, and everything starts with energy, so it makes sense to focus on getting your energy rightly aligned and solid.
What Does it Mean To Live a Sovereign Life?
Buzz Words - How Possible is it to achieve a Sovereign Life?
“Discernment - The Filter That Purifies Your Intake”
It Is Crucial - We Must Learn to Use Discernment Before We Jump To Believe.
What Does It Mean To Be With Life?
Being with life as opposed to doing life.
What does it mean to just "Be"?
Retail Interior Design Excellence Builds Excitement
Retail Interior Design Excellence Builds Excitement.
Awaken Designs - Developments
More about developments done by Delahrose with Awaken Designs.
Home Designer: Design for Wellness.
Best Interior Styles for Wellness. Bring more wellness into your home environment. Feel nourished by where you live.
Pluto The Great Transformer.
March 23rd 2023, Pluto changes signs into Aquarius. This is massive; get ready for extraordinary change.
Divine Healing -Master Key For Ascension -New Service Offering
Divine Healing Master Key Master Key To Ascension. Divine Healing is a process designed to rapidly transform any issues that keep you from moving forward into alignment with who you are and your life’s purpose.
Beliefs; Depression; & Perceived Madness.
Our Beliefs Can lead us to believe that something is wrong with us when, for the first time, we are willing to face our pain; we finally allow ourselves to grieve our former selves, our former dreams, and our former identities. Entering the night of the soul is the craking open.
Questions & Finding Yourself
When emotional triggers hit us from seemingly nowhere, it’s usually a vital sign of where you need to focus. This begins with asking different questions and understanding when this first started in your life.