Questions & Finding Yourself
Soul’s Journey - Begin with Regular Self-Inquiry Questions.
1. What would you create if time and money were not an issue and failure was non-existent?
2. Who would benefit?
3. Why does the world/universe need this creation?
4. As a child, what task(s) did you complete successfully and with enjoyment? And, now, as an adult?
5. Do you believe in yourself? Ask again. Do you believe and want this for yourself?
6. What do you do regularly that you cannot imagine NOT doing in your life?
7. When a friend is in need, what do you bring to them (physical or otherwise)?
8. What is the one topic of conversation that you would insert yourself in and initiate and talk about for hours?
9. When you lose track of time, what are you doing?
10. What do you love so much that you would pay for the privilege of having it/doing it?
11. What do you consistently receive compliments about?
12. What are you consistently complaining about?
13. What is the opposite energy of your complaint?
Now that you've completed these thought-provoking questions, you're already noticing information and patterns emerging that help you better understand and embrace the unique purpose you bring to our planet! How do you choose to align with this awareness?
Questions when triggered-
1. Who am I in this scene?
2. What am I feeling?
3. When do I remember feeling this way before?
4. What is this person trying to say?
5. What am I hearing?
6. Is it really about me?
Embark on a journey of inquiry, asking questions to uncover the root cause of the trigger or the blocking emotion…
When in doubt, check your breath! What’s it doing? How centred are you?
Are you in your head or your heart?
Always return to yourself to manage your environment. We must first learn to govern ourselves.
To understand others, we must first understand ourselves.
Trust the energy; it doesn’t lie. If it feels off, it is off.
Words can be masks that mislead. Tune into your inner wisdom instead of bypassing it and blaming yourself when things go awry.
Sometimes, one must stand alone if necessary.
Be willing to back yourself; nothing will be gained by compromising and losing your true self.
It's not about judging others to prove them wrong; it's about aligning with yourself, your truth, your life, and how you wish to experience it.
1. Ask whether this situation aligns with my values, beliefs, and awareness; does this feel correct for me?
2. Is the Energy right? If the answer is no, you can leave it there and find what does align. It's that simple. When we stop selling ourselves short or abandoning ourselves, we will start to see what we are truly worth.
Always remember this -
The truth is happy to be questioned!
A lie, on the other hand, does not!
Keep asking questions to discern the truth!
Peace and Love