Astrology; The Sum of Many Things.

Astrology can provide you with so much important information.

Relationship Astrology can be powerful in giving us a depth of insight into our relationship with children, parents, single people, married people, business partnerships, timing events, & locations.

Have you ever wondered why your children relate in different ways toward you?

Or why you can’t get comfortable with your environment?

Did you know that understanding your astrology combined with their astrology will give you much insight into how your child learns, reacts and relates… etc.? When we know more, we can understand, creating healthier relationships with awareness.

My purpose is to read & teach you the language of astrology, so you can come to understand, accept, appreciate, and love the unique divine miracle that is you—learning about your unique signature, rhythm, and flow. We are not all the same; we know differently, think differently, respond differently, and relate differently; our drivers, our motor that inspires us, are unique to our soul blueprint. Astrology opens the door, guiding you as I read into the uniqueness that is you.

Through your Natal (birth) chart, Learn how the planets have shaped you from the body to Soul and how they continue to guide you through transits, progressions, relationship charts and solar returns, reminding you, nudging you, pushing you, and perhaps sometimes grinding on you into alignment, living by your Soul's purpose.

I'm so excited to share the knowledge with you! You can visit my website to book a session or read more.



Astrology The Map of All Things You.


Design & Good Health