Beliefs; Depression; & Perceived Madness.

Reflections and thoughts on beliefs about depression! Words are often used rather liberally, mostly misapplied to others without consideration or awareness. 

A download like Sagittarius / Gemini Pearce, the veil, sheds light on our thoughts and perceptions. The key is not to fear owning your perceived madness! Recognise it's temporarily guiding you. 

Sometimes, what others or society might consider madness (experiential) or depression (grief, sadness), is often just you discovering your unique genius!

Only when we can drop all the games, all the façades, all the conditioning, including all the judgments, can the dark patches and the lonely patches come and speak with you, meet you, and allow you to know them. You must do this work quietly and not while leading distracted lives. To delve deep, we must stop;

Life is a paradox; it embodies energy and frequency! You can transform your life by adjusting the energy frequencies both internally and externally. It’s truly that simple to change the course of your life.

So why don’t we reach where we want to be, or think we want to be, if it’s that straightforward: changing frequency equals changing life?  


Since we lack full self-awareness, we often struggle to understand our own frequency. As a result, we rely on external cues to determine which frequency to follow and the energy to respond to. This leads us to be mostly reactive, unaware of our own energy frequency. We fail to turn knowledge into true understanding and wisdom because we haven’t fully connected with ourselves. Although we acquire knowledge, we seldom apply it to our own lives; instead, we tend to look at others to define who we are. 

We cannot transform our learnings into wisdom until we are prepared to confront the void of our shadow, engaging in profound reflection on all aspects of ourselves, both past and present. This involves perceiving everything, laying it out to achieve a complete view, recognizing how we have disappointed ourselves and others, reflecting on times when we attempted to exceed our capacities, and acknowledging how frequently we presented a version of ourselves that was not true, along with moments of being outspoken, defensive, aggressive, or fearful. 

When we can sit in the void and reflect on everything, we realise how much we have learned about ourselves through all those positive and negative experiences (though mostly the challenging ones, as these are our greatest teachers!). These lessons inspire profound gratitude because they compel us to elevate our frequency, transform our energy, and embrace our shadow selves. While we may have lost certain people, which is undoubtedly sad, we concentrate on what we have gained: a deeper understanding of ourselves. This journey grants us an indelible wisdom, teaching us forgiveness and traumas, allowing us to avoid projecting them onto others. We no longer require anyone else to reflect on us when we see ourselves.

Understanding ourselves allows us to identify the aspects that need to be eliminated. We recognise that we cannot persist with these attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors; we must be willing to confront everything—the good, the bad, and the ugly! 

Anything that obstructs our ability to unlock higher frequencies and break free from the past's shadowy anchors and chains is in our way. This is the moment, and our motivation is reigniting, empowering us to pursue even greater expressions of our sovereign freedom. 

The lotus breaks through the Mud In preparation for its Blooming’!

A single flower symbolises the journey of emerging from the shadows. Maya liberates herself through each layer, growing in challenging environments to reach the radiant beauty of this blossoming flower. It rises and breaks through, glowing above the surface, showcasing its beauty for everyone to appreciate. It stands quietly, serenely, elegantly, empowered, and fully embodied. 

Metaphorically, it represents a journey of confronting your shadows, sitting with them in the darkness, emptiness, and solitude, doing whatever it takes to accept them by acknowledging your role in them, and then fully and completely forgiving yourself. We are wholeheartedly surrendering all the NOT-SELF and humbly embracing our TRUE SELF, the Self we aspire to be and already are! We often yearn for what we desire! The only barrier in our way is believing we deserve what we seek. 

Please just accept where you are at each step. Don’t focus on shaming yourself or feeling you must constantly confess where you went wrong or how you could have done better. Let that stop 🛑 here and now; it doesn’t work. Self-flagellation is a relic from the dark ages, stemming from a human doctrine founded on control through shame and guilt. Beating yourself up repeatedly will not change your energy or frequency! 

Always be kind and honest. Frequently ask yourself questions and notice that you'll receive different answers as you peel away your beliefs. When a belief shifts, reality changes. We begin to see another side of the same issue, leading us to a new perspective understanding. 

We must note that healing takes time; there’s no timer involved—it’s your body, psyche, and emotions at play. When you open yourself up to shifting frequencies and transforming your energy, it’s a life-changing experience, so don’t rush it. Slow down at amber lights; be a tortoise, not the hare. Learn well and thoroughly; the waters will become clearer, the flower will bloom again, and the people will return to watch and enjoy the blossoming once more more. 

Life is largely about cycles. Understanding these cycles can save you a lot of time... you won’t be late.

Venturing into our Rabbit Hole can be incredibly beneficial; it may be the greatest gift we can offer ourselves—the time to discover our entire self, our true self, our fearless authenticity! “Our Soul!”

So, graciously, from now on, we embrace our fleeting moments of madness; we welcome them, for we know our genius is just around the corner! 

Peace and Love



Pluto The Great Transformer.


Questions & Finding Yourself