Aspirational Vision
This is an aspirational writing about changing and enriching how people see, enjoy, and live in their environments. There is nothing more exciting than to become a trailblazer. “Instead of following... Lead”. It will be a journey of trusting your higher instincts and not allowing the vision to be extinguished or diminished by those who cannot fully see yet! Our job will be to guide, lead, and mentor. We are the sentinels as we stand in the face of those who are sometimes afraid. They may challenge us with the voice of fear as we present a change of thinking, asking them to trust us and try another way.
The stronger we are as a group, the more people can and will build confidence in us. We continue to hold the space from a place of integrity and firm intention for a vision we know is needed. As it has been said… “By walking our truth, others will follow”. What we, as a group, are creating, as we form this powerful vision of change, the world is ready to see; it has been looking for examples that can lead it more to understanding... it is possible to live and love the life you live. "Where you live can create health." It can energise you, and inspire you, so you want to wake up every day, regardless of the challenges you encounter, as we humans are trying to find a new way of living in a world that now is choosing to finally wake up and grow and stretch its self into living and managing itself in another way.
When we live surrounded by beauty, we feel uplifted and vibrate higher, our senses are awakened, our spirit becomes invigorated, we begin to see possibility, and we strive to create harmony. This is the ripple effect that will become infectious. "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
Environments like we have, and intend to continue creating, are going to become a foundation as we showcase how it is possible to live a sustainable lifestyle without losing quality, style, connection, and, most importantly, without comprise to our environment … it is all enhanced and honoured, producing an environment the breath’s, vibrates, feeds, and nourishes all who live there... These villages bring together wholeness, heart-based living, and harmony without exclusion; earth, plants, animals, and elements are all embraced. "When we live connected, we feel a sense of belonging."
These environments will begin to lead communities, teaching them how to live in harmony within one's environment and themselves. Which is so crucial to overall health and well-being... It will become a complete circle process where everyone wins and enjoys a lifestyle, not just living to survive but enjoying every day and feeling connected to a greater whole. "Living in harmony with oneself and one's environment.”
This is my vision of guiding individuals through self-discovery into "Beauty, the art of living life through all your senses… feeling self-empowered.”
With Infinte Gratitude
Feel free to reach out if you’d like to learn more about my work in design styling and merchandising!