Astro-Therapy Mentoring Program.

Astrology Unlocks
“The Language” of your soul!
Who is the unconditioned self?

We Are Here to:-
and definitely “Not A SERVANT “

Are you conscious of the differences?
Please invite me to help you. See!

Unlock Yourself!
Discover Yourself!
Who are you?
What do you want?
Where are you vibrating at?

Are you tired of Looping?
Are you ready to Awaken A New Chapter?

Delahrose works with you weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, holding space, healing, reading and mapping your life through your astrology blueprint, looking into all the areas, teaching you tools and showing you how to move forward into a more empowered version of yourself.

This program is ideal for those experiencing sudden life shifts, sudden awakenings, and those looking to grow & develop their deeper awareness and innate intuitive skills.

Working with Delahrose will change how you see and interact with your world. When we truly understand ourselves, we begin to make very different choices for different reasons.

In this program, you will …
Learn about awakening and deepen your awareness & understanding of intuition and the emotional heart-home, mind-body connection. What is your body telling you?

Creating your life by unique design.
Astrology is a hologram of energy and frequency; understanding this, you begin to make life on your terms.

Join & work with Delahrose as she shows you how to unlock yourself, your potential & your health, finding your North Star 🌟 the compass of the soul!

1:1 Astrological Mentoring Program … for your Health and Wellness! Not to become an astrologer, this program is to know yourself deeply.

Your Heart & Soul will never stop thanking you for it!

“The gift that will never stop giving “




Astrology The Map of All Things You.