The Spiritual Law "ask, and you shall receive".

Divine Healing Guidance

Divine Healing Energy Healing sessions address specific emotional themes and issues and provide personal spiritual guidance.

The current reality Matrix in which we find ourselves contains strong dissonant vibrations that are expressed through intense life experiences and can deliver a lot of emotional blows, shock and trauma to our energy bodies.

Divine Healing supports you with a smooth, accessible, highly effective, intuitively channelled method to embrace your Life, heal, and reach your full potential.

It enables the quick, effective identification, validation and clearing of core patterns, freeing your life force energy and restoring vibrational health, connection to self and well- being. To regain our spiritual body, we must address our emotional body, our energy body, our physical body, and our mental body to become whole.

Energy healing heals the patterns behind the disease or dysfunction. 

It does not cure the physical issue directly and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care.

DIVINE HEALING TRANSFORMING ENERGY WORK… Everything Starts as Energy. Get The Energy Right & The Rest Manifests.

"As within so without; As Above So Below".

Healing Yourself into Alignment.

Divine Healing is a process designed to rapidly transform any issues that keep you from moving forward into alignment with who you are and your Life's purpose.

This system enables the quick & effective identification and clearing of core wounds and patterns. It frees up your Life-force energy to promote better health, connection to the flow of Life, and enhanced well-being on every experience level.

Divine Healing accesses and clears;

✧ Your Soul Records & Soul Programs
✧ Inherited Patterning
✧ Unresolved Past-Life Issues
✧ Hidden Ego-Agendas, Sabotages & Conflicts
✧ Blocked Energy in the Subtle Bodies & Chakras
✧ Fear Programs
✧ Interference Energies, Including Entities
✧ Physical, Mental & Emotional Imbalances
✧ Blocked Energy in Organs & Glands
✧ Genetically Encoded Imprints
✧ Judgements & Negative Beliefs
✧ Shock & Trauma

It is all connected.

Divine Healing can also promote;

✧ Regeneration & Rejuvenation of your Cells
✧ Enhancement of Brain Functions/Integration
✧ Stabilisation of Hydration/Dehydration in the Body
✧ Encoding of Healing Essences, Colours & Crystals
✧ Balancing your Bodies Nutrition & Biochemistry
✧ Harmonising & Alignment of your Energy Bodies & Chakras
✧ Balancing the Five Elements
✧ Improving your Eyesight
✧ Healing & clearing of programs contributing to weight gain

I use a Language Combination of ... divination tools, channelling and intuitive guidance to bring the most unconscious issues into the light so they may be rapidly cleared. Working with Invocations, Energetic Transmissions, Detailed Charts, and command Codes - allows quick and accurate access to the appropriate information from your Higher Self to clear, realign & balance energy within your Physical Body and subtle Bodies, enhancing profound energetic shifts. Raising Consciousness and Awareness leads to transformations on all levels of Being.

Divine Healing is the Trifecta - Aligning the Body, Mind and Soul. Let's peel away the layers of unhelpful patterns that hold you back from awakening to your true nature. Old habits, beliefs no longer serving you, and subconscious ego programming.

As a Divine Healing Master Key Practitioner

An example is - Old traumas, family conditioning, and ancestral patterning. Mental, emotional, and physical imbalances, and Interference energies, including negative entities.

These gently guided sessions get to the core of your most pressing issues.

Personalised Assessment We commence with an in-depth exploration of your current state, pinpointing areas that require attention and healing.

Energetic Clearing: I employ advanced techniques such as intuitive channel guidance, sacred invocations, and potent energetic transmissions to expertly clear blockages and recalibrate your system.

Healing & Alignment By accessing your Higher Self and the Akashic Records, we delve into core wounds, facilitating profound healing and realigning you with your original divine blueprint.

Integration & Empowerment: After the session, you will receive tailored guidance on sustaining balance and continuing your journey towards holistic well-being.

In-person and Online Zoom Sessions: Experience profound energetic shifts and address imbalances at all levels, enhancing vitality and fostering deep healing.

Divine Healing Master Key -This is a Breath of Fresh Air for anyone looking to heal deeply and understand themselves and their body’s energy systems, living more Aligned and in harmony with their personal Well-being.

All Sessions are between 1.5 and 2.5 hours (depending on your body's ability to handle the process, everyone is unique in how the process works).

How it works:

How can I assist you?

As a master astrologer and trained energy practitioner, I blend several advanced modalities to align your being seamlessly:

Body-Mind Psychology Uncover and resolve deep-seated emotional and mental patterns through profound subconscious exploration.

Kinesiology: Utilise muscle testing to connect with your body's innate wisdom, identifying and addressing physical imbalances with precision.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming Reprogram, your mind, transforming limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns into empowering, positive ones.

Deprogramming Disassemble negative conditioning and mental blocks, freeing you from past limitations and unlocking new possibilities.

Hypnosis & Cognitive Re-Patterning Access the subconscious mind to implant positive suggestions, facilitating transformative cognitive shifts.

Akashic Record Resetting Clear past life traumas and karmic imprints, realigning you with your divine essence.

Command Codes Activate spiritual transformations using specific Verbal Energy codes, unlocking your full potential for deep healing.

nterior Design Alchemist Delahrose Roobie Myer

Check out these testimonials.

heal and become empowered.

✧ These Sessions are 1.5 to 2.5 hours long (depending upon the individual's energy body to process during the session).

✧ All sessions are $550 Australian dollars per session.

✧ Minimum of 2 sessions is required -- However, I recommended four sessions over eight weeks to experience the full impact.

It's important to note that energy healing does not directly cure physical issues or replace traditional medical recommendations. Instead, Divine Healing Sessions complement other modalities like acupuncture, massage, or dietary changes by bringing awareness to underlying patterns and blocks contributing to disease and dysfunction.

These are very revealing and energetically powerful sessions.

Research in interpersonal neurobiology, attachment theory, intergenerational trauma, and epigenetics highlights the significance of resolving unconscious patterns for proper healing. Divine Healing provides a path to bring these patterns into conscious awareness, allowing you to release what no longer serves you and experience profound peace in the present moment.

A Holistic Approach to Healing

Divine Healing Energy Master Key integrates these diverse modalities into a holistic healing experience, ensuring all aspects of your being are nurtured.

Each session is meticulously tailored to your unique needs, promoting comprehensive well-being.