What Does It Mean To Be With Life?

Hi Everyone,

Today I'm sharing a direct experience with you; the frequencies are super strong. 

This inspired conversation is about being with life as opposed to doing life.

What does it mean to just "Be"?

I was shown a crystal cave and a crystalline being stating. I am of the crystalline consciousness; she was tall long elegant, radiant, pinks, lilacs, greens, and gold (Soft colours, not deep colours, transparent almost were the colours…). The feeling was honestly such a perfect warm temperature, the light so bright though it didn't feel intrusive. I stood in awe! Surrounded by pure light saturating the essence of my totality, this magnificent energy was so clear, clean, and brightly brilliant, its frequency vibrated at a super high level of intelligence; you merely held a thought composed of words, and an immediate response was present as soon as a thought came into my being I instantly had a return of energy to that thought everything was instant. There was no pause between, no guessing, just pure instant knowing. Purified knowledge, pure intelligence beyond thought and matter, a refined understanding and recognition that this was pure consciousness. 

I was simultaneously experiencing pure light consciousness coming through and into my whole being.   

I was shown how all the grids over the collective were being shifted utterly; everything was being adjusted; they showed me; I was told, and as I understood, this energy is a part of the frequency my soul carries, and I am connected to it at all times, I was shown by carrying this frequency it brings benefit to others just by my mere presence; my frequency allows the realignments to lock in. I'm a conduit conductor, a channel for higher frequencies to be anchored into our earth. 

I was told I was being prepared to bring through more of this frequency of crystalline consciousness & codes in a more anchoring way. My soul was to get quiet so it could receive the upgrades ultimately and thoroughly integrate them. I was also told that I was held back, that so much was to be removed, so I could get reticent from my external life, developing my internal world /body /soul,  so this process could slowly enter and change me from the inside out. I was told the constant busyness in everyday life, running from here to there, striving to achieve, and carrying the load for others, could not allow such energy to transform me while I maintained busy outside myself. I had to become empty to hold the higher frequency I now carry. I was meant to be quiet and not work for that time so that I could heal my body of previous trauma and pain; the healing allowed my body to empty out, to dissolve all the parts that were no longer to be me going forward; I was getting a new skin so to speak. 

Now it is time to absorb and interface with all the new codes. It has been an interesting, perplexing, confusing, and solitary journey. My 29-degree Aries Moon in the 7th house did not enjoy the inactivity of what felt like a desert without water on many occasions). Still, I'm finally shown why all this was so.

This energy felt robust and deeply congruent; as my soul understood everything the Crystalline Beings shared with me, my heart felt so much respect, love, and grace. It was pure vibrational light; I felt like I was glowing, literally.  

It's beyond words; it was so fast, very Uranian; I was shown there is genuine genius energy unfolding and entering our atmosphere. This energy works entirely differently from everything we have been conditioned to believe. I could understand so much that I was absorbing pure intelligence by standing in this frequency with them as I received this transmission. 

These beings informed me they are moving my grids, shifting my frequency, so I must be still; this is why I have been in the place of surrender for so long; my soul is here to impact people/environments, readying me to support this planet by holding these frequencies, supporting, and teaching others how to see and expand their environments and their internal and external awareness's. This all made sense to me as A Mental Projector. I am here to amplify energy, to identify it and clear it into higher states of consciousness; we are in a passage of transitions, each leading us into a higher understanding of energy and intelligence within and without ourselves. I am to be a conduit and conductor for this energy to come through for others, including environments and animals, to heal and grow. 

Today, I was just shown the keys to something still yet unfolding, with even more clarity to come as I fully embody all the deeper understanding. It's mind-blowing what I am witnessing at the moment. 

The most important thing is … new codes, timelines, and higher frequencies now permit us to embody an even deeper understanding, more than ever before. This is incredible in itself. Blessed it felt. Blessed it be.

And So It Is

with infinite love and gratitude 






Shadow Work