The Seven Stages of Alchemy:
1. Calcination
The process of calcination is the beginning stage of alchemy. To calcine something is to burn it until it’s reduced to ashes.
This is a false identity or poisonous ego that fights desperately for survival. It is crucial to remove it from our inner selves. That way, we will step up to a new level of spirituality.
To be free from the impurities of inflated pride, let a new self be purified to achieve the maturity of the soul.
2. Dissolution
This operation demands a cycle of meditation, which is crucial for successfully diluting the parts into a fluid condition. “The consequence of true meditation is an accurate perception that all things within us and in creation are fundamental of the same primal substance.” The operation occurs in the interior to open up our energy channels and recharge every cell.
3. Separation
This stage is defined by the division of thoughts and emotions acquired by the dissolution. The separation of the elements allows us to observe them more clearly. Their true nature and shape are finally exposed to us. Such manifestation dissipates the fog of ignorance and obstinacy. The door of self-improvement lets the light of dawn in.
This process makes us aware of our authentic feelings. The violence of reality might find us off guard, but this could be the only proper way to move forward. The light may hurt our eyes at first but will soon reveal our paths.
4. Conjunction
The separated elements demand a new combination to find the balance. The male and female principles are significant for every human being and their physical and spiritual lucidity. The conjunction provides a bed for the royal marriage between the Sun (the male) and the Moon (the female), which is the improvement and evolution of the spiritual self in its search for perfection.
5. Fermentation
The stage of Fermentation is also a metaphor for pregnancy and fecundation. Like an inspiration from above, that reanimates and enlightens the soul. This is a two-part process. Firstly the “Putrefaction” takes the father and the mother. The matter is allowed to break down and decompose. They did so that the child could be born, and their bodies would be the fertiliser for the seed. As we experience this phase, our consciousness confronts the darker side. In the second part, the conjunction child is born. The forces of the spirit Above are merged with the matter below.
6. Distillation
Distillation is the process of boiling the elixirs to increase purity.
“In Distillation, many bitter, sharp, and acrid things become very sweet, like honey, sugar, or manna; and, on the other hand, many sweet things, such as honey, sugar, or manna(…).” Paracelsus The final purge before the enlightenment happens in this stage. No impurities are left, and a spiritual apotheosis environment is attained.
7. Coagulation
The perfect substance is found. Most physically, we observe a fluid state change into a thickened mass. This process is a metaphor for the elevated self. The maturity is finally achieved, and the body, spirit and soul find the perfect balance between themselves. We will become truly free from the mind, and our consciousness will be able to connect heart and soul in perfect harmony. We watch the rebirth of a beautiful new being.