Neptune Into the Fire of Aries, Illusions, Glamour, Greed and Lust, the Great Reckoning.

From the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius:

The Great Reckoning — A Transition from Earth and Water to Fire and Air.

We are entering an era where the flames of truth will burn through the mantles of illusion, lust, and greed that have long held sway. This transformative shift, guided by the currents of fire and air, marks the end of escapism and material excess, ushering in an age of clarity, innovation, and collective awakening.

The Age of Pisces has been marked by dualities: faith and deception, compassion and delusion, mysticism and materialism. Central to this age is Neptune, the planetary ruler of Pisces, which governs dreams, illusions, spirituality, and escapism. For centuries, Neptune’s influence has been both an inspiration and a veil, encouraging humanity to dream of utopia while simultaneously trapping it in illusions of grandeur, glamour, and self-serving fantasies. But as Neptune prepares to leave Pisces, a cosmic reckoning is at hand. The transition calls for accountability—a dismantling of the false idols and glittering facades that have defined this era and a sobering confrontation with the consequences of unchecked greed, lust, and apathy.

The Glamour and Lust of Neptune in Pisces

Neptune in Pisces has encouraged humanity to chase dreams, but many of those dreams have been hollow. The allure of celebrity, the pursuit of fame, and the obsession with wealth have become dominant themes in this age. At its core, the Age of Pisces has been one of seduction—not just in its romantic sense but as a tool of control and manipulation. Lust and desire, in all their forms, have been weaponised by the corrupt to maintain power. These energies distract and ensnare, preying on the weaknesses of the mind and lack of conscience.

Sadomasochistic imagery, the rise of exploitative pornography, and a global culture steeped in superficial pleasures are all signatures of Neptune in Pisces. These manifestations have led many to escape into desire and indulgence rather than face uncomfortable truths. Lust—for power, for control, for gratification—has become a tool not of liberation but of enslavement, perpetuating cycles of suffering. All of this is cloaked in glamour, making it easy to ignore the destruction it leaves in its wake.

For too long, the glamour of wealth and fame has served as a shield, protecting the privileged from accountability. The rich and powerful build foundations and support causes, but often, these are little more than tools of deception. Under the guise of charity, they funnel wealth, trading on the suffering of others while reaping the rewards of public adulation. These acts are not rooted in genuine care but in maintaining their image. And the masses, dazzled by the glitter, fail to ask the deeper questions: Where does the money really go? Who benefits? What is the true cost of these illusions?

This deception extends to those who publicly champion noble causes like environmental awareness while privately exploiting others. Some use their platforms to gain admiration for their supposed contributions to sustainability, all while dismantling lives and stealing resources from those who trusted and supported them. They seduce people into believing in their missions, masking their actions with a facade of care. This hypocrisy underscores a larger societal issue: the preference for surface-level narratives over deep accountability and genuine integrity.

The Cost of Illusion: A World in Crisis

While billions are hoarded in the hands of a few, billions more suffer. Across the globe, people go hungry, lack shelter, and live without access to basic necessities. The resources exist to alleviate this suffering, yet the system, driven by greed and self-interest, perpetuates it. Those with the power to help often choose not to because there is no glamour in addressing systemic issues. Feeding the starving or housing people experiencing homelessness does not bring prestige or photo opportunities. Instead, shallow, performative acts of philanthropy dominate—charitable donations are announced with fanfare, and the actual impact remains minimal.

Governments and churches, too, play a role in this charade. They claim to support their people with one hand while condemning them with the other. Policies are dressed up in compassionate language but only reinforce power structures and suppress dissent. Like the wealthy elites, governments rely on the laziness of the public’s gaze. They count on people seeing the surface and accepting it as reality, unwilling to dig deeper or question the contradictions.

The Reckoning: Neptune’s Transition

As Neptune moves out of Pisces and into Aries in 2025, remaining there through 2026 and beyond into 2039, the age of glamour and illusion is coming to an end. The cosmic tide is turning, and with it comes a demand for action, courage, and accountability. The shift from Pisces to Aries is significant: it moves humanity from the passive, escapist tendencies of Neptune in Pisces to the fiery, action-oriented energy of Aries.

Aries, ruled by Mars, is a sign of boldness, initiative, and confrontation. Neptune in Aries will challenge humanity to break free from the cycles of complacency and face the consequences of its choices head-on. Dreaming of change or hiding behind charitable facades will no longer be enough. Neptune in Aries demands that people take decisive, tangible action to address the systemic problems that have been allowed to fester.

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Consequences of Neptune in Aries

1 Breaking Down False Idols: The glittering idols of celebrity culture will fall. The shift to Aries energy will expose the emptiness behind fame and fortune, forcing people to re-evaluate what they value and why.

2 Accountability for Wealth and Power: The hoarding of wealth will face unprecedented scrutiny. Neptune in Aries will inspire movements that demand redistribution of resources and challenge the systems that enable extreme inequality.

3 Confrontation with Global Crises: Aries Energy will drive direct action to address pressing global issues such as climate change, poverty, and systemic injustice. The time for performative gestures will end; real solutions will be demanded.

4 Awakening of Individual Responsibility: Neptune in Aries will shift the focus from collective delusion to individual accountability. People will be called to take ownership of their role in perpetuating systems of greed and illusion.

Breaking the Cycle of Greed and Lust

If humanity is to rise above the illusions of the Piscean Age, it must fundamentally shift its values. The goal can no longer be to hoard wealth or chase lustful pleasures while doing as little as possible for others. The worship of billionaires and celebrities—those who have more but care less—must end. A new paradigm must emerge, one that prioritises compassion, genuine care, and collective well-being over individual gain.

This shift requires more than awareness; it demands action. People must stop idolising those who thrive on exploitation and start holding them accountable. The system of greed is not self-sustaining; it grows because it is fed. Every dollar spent on shallow consumerism, every moment spent glorifying the wealthy, fuels the problem. To break the cycle, humanity must starve the beast. Redirect resources and attention to those who genuinely care and work for the betterment of all—not just for personal gain.

The Way Forward: A Call to Integrity

Neptune’s departure from Pisces and entry into Aries is not just an astrological event but a call to action. The world can no longer afford to be blinded by the glitter of illusion. Integrity must replace deception, and genuine care must replace performative charity. To achieve this, society must:

1 Question the Surface: Refuse to accept appearances at face value. Dig deeper, ask hard questions, and hold those in power accountable.

2 Redistribute Wealth: Challenge the systems that allow a few to hoard billions while others starve. Advocate for policies that prioritise equity and justice.

3 Prioritise Humanity Over Prestige: Shift the focus from personal gain to collective well-being. Celebrate those who serve others selflessly rather than those who profit from suffering.

4 Awaken from the Illusions: Recognise the patterns of deception that have defined the Age of Pisces and refuse to participate in them. Choose truth, even when it is uncomfortable.

5 Take Bold Action: Harness the assertive energy of Aries to drive meaningful change. Neptune in Aries demands not just awareness but courage and initiative.

The Age of Pisces has been both a blessing and a curse, gifting humanity with dreams while trapping it in illusions. 

Now begins the Age of Aquarius, the overarching era we are currently entering, marked by themes of innovation, community, humanitarian ideals, and the dismantling of hierarchical systems.

Neptune’s transit into Aries is a shorter-term influence (2025-2039) that brings themes of courage, direct action, and authenticity, which will play out within the broader Aquarian ideals. 

As Neptune moves into Aries, the veil will lift, and the reckoning will begin. This is an opportunity for humanity to redefine its values and priorities, to break free from the cycle of greed, lust, and deception, and to build a world rooted in truth and care. The time for chasing glittering illusions is over. It is time to embrace the complex, transformative work of creating a future where no one is sacrificed on the altar of glamour, wealth, or desire. The veils are falling off; the flame of truth is burning brighter through the Mantles of Illusion, preparing us for the Coming Reckoning.

Astrologically, the current and upcoming planetary movements strongly suggest that the continuation of behaviours rooted in greed, apathy, and deception will face significant resistance. The cosmic energies are set to pull apart the illusions and structures that perpetuate these patterns. Here’s how the planetary influences are aligning to catalyse this transformation:

Saturn’s Influence: Accountability and Structure

Saturn, the planet of karma, structure, and responsibility, is crucial in demanding accountability. As Saturn continues its transit through Pisces (2023-2025), it dissolves illusions and forces us to confront where boundaries have been weak and deceptive behaviour has flourished unchecked. Saturn in Pisces is stripping away false ideals and illusions, particularly in areas like spirituality, escapism, and compassion. It urges people to stop living in denial and address the consequences of their actions.

When Saturn moves into Aries (2025-2028), the energy shifts from dissolution to decisive action. Aries, ruled by Mars, is bold, direct, and unafraid to confront hard truths. Saturn in Aries will not tolerate complacency; it demands courage and initiative to build a new foundation based on integrity. This transit signals a breaking apart of mantles of power that rely on glamour and deceit, as individuals and societies will be pushed to take real, tangible action.

Neptune’s Transition: The End of Illusion

Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, has been in its home sign since 2012, amplifying themes of glamour, escapism, and illusion. This energy has both inspired collective dreams and masked systemic corruption and exploitation. However, as Neptune moves into Aries beginning in 2025, the veil of illusion will begin to tear.

Neptune in Aries shifts the focus from passive idealism and escapism to active leadership and bold confrontations. People will no longer be satisfied with performative actions or superficial gestures of care. The energy will demand authenticity and direct, heart-driven efforts. It will also bring karmic reckonings for those who have hidden behind facades, forcing them to face the consequences of their actions.

Pluto in Aquarius: Transforming Power Structures

Pluto’s move into Aquarius (2023-2044) is one of this era's most transformative astrological events. Aquarius rules innovation, community, and humanitarian ideals, and Pluto represents transformation, power, and rebirth. As Pluto continues its slow transit through Aquarius, it will dismantle outdated hierarchies and expose abuses of power, particularly in areas like technology, social systems, and collective resources.

This transit supports movements that challenge greed and exploitation. It will amplify the voices of those who demand equitable resource distribution and dismantle systems that prioritise personal gain over collective well-being. The focus will increasingly shift toward transparency, fairness, and creating systems that serve humanity as a whole.

The Role of Eclipses and Lunar Nodes

The upcoming nodal shift to the North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo in early 2025 introduces a profound layer of energy that complements the dismantling of illusions and promotes compassion.

North Node in Pisces: Spiritual Integration and Collective Compassion

The North Node in Pisces calls humanity toward a higher vibration of spiritual awareness, collective care, and emotional sensitivity. It urges us to embrace Piscean qualities such as intuition, empathy, and unconditional love while transcending lower expressions like escapism, self-deception, and blind idealism. Humanity is encouraged to:

• Dismantle Illusions: Confront illusions and delusions that have shaped societal priorities, reckoning with the dominance of glamour, superficiality, and false saviours.

• Focus on Unity: Prioritise connection, intuition, and compassion over rigid structures or personal gain.

• Develop Trust and Faith: Step into a heart-centred way of being and let go of obsessive control without succumbing to passivity.

South Node in Virgo: Releasing Perfectionism and Over-Control

The South Node in Virgo represents the shadow of humanity’s past behaviours, including excessive control, judgment, and perfectionism. This nodal shift asks us to:

• Let Go of Excessive Control: Release the obsession with micromanaging outcomes and embrace more compassionate approaches.

• Balance Practicality with Spirituality: Avoid mechanistic or overly critical mindsets that hinder genuine service and connection.

• Reframe Service: Move away from transactional care and focus on genuine, heart-based efforts.

Together, this nodal axis challenges humanity to balance spiritual surrender (Pisces) with practical grounding (Virgo), dismantling systems and mindsets that perpetuate division, greed, and control while guiding us toward a new paradigm of collective healing.

Complementary Energies with Other Transits

• Neptune and North Node in Pisces: The alignment amplifies themes of compassion and spiritual awakening but warns against the risks of escapism or martyrdom.

• Saturn in Aries (2025): Saturn’s discipline will balance the idealism of Pisces with bold, actionable leadership.

• Pluto in Aquarius: This transformative energy accelerates the breakdown of greed-driven systems and supports innovation for collective benefit.

Reflection: Will Humanity Answer the Call?

The nodal shift to Pisces and Virgo in 2025, alongside these other transits, offers a profound opportunity to align humanity with compassion and spiritual growth while releasing rigid, control-based systems. Yet, the question remains:

• Will people embrace the Piscean call for empathy, unity, and higher consciousness, or will they succumb to escapism, illusion, and apathy?

• Will the Virgoan shadow of judgment and perfectionism be released, or will humanity cling to the belief that suffering is deserved and hierarchy is natural?

In Summary: Breaking the Mantles Apart

The combined influence of these astrological transits indicates that the cosmic tide is turning against behaviours rooted in greed, deception, and apathy. The mantles of illusion and glamour that have protected the corrupt and self-serving will be increasingly pulled apart. However, this process will not be easy or automatic; it requires participation. These energies empower those who are ready to act with integrity but also expose and hold accountable those who continue to cling to unsustainable behaviours.

The question remains: Will humanity rise to the challenge these energies present, or will it resist, prolonging suffering? Astrology supports transformation, but the outcomes depend on collective and individual choices.

I write these posts, however long they may be, because I genuinely care and believe in the importance of opening our minds and expanding our awareness. Complacency is no longer an option; we cannot sit back and expect someone else to fix the problems we face. It is our collective responsibility to engage, learn, and take action to create meaningful change.

-Keep your Eyes On The Stars and Your Feet On The Ground.

by Delahrose

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