Angels in the sky…

Angels in the morning sky … leaving my driveway this morning and looking up to see incredible light breaking through; it seemed so poignant; in my morning meditation, I had angels gathering around me, filling my inner eyes with so much light; I was feeling so much warmth. Then I ventured outside to see this beautiful affirming vision of sunlight breaking through.

Signs of hope, signs of guidance, symbols of faith that my prayers have been heard.

There is always a purpose for us to be here; sometimes, it just doesn’t align with an ego intent. This is where the confusion sits; we only focus on what our ego wants, though never fully venturing into what our soul has come to do. 

We measure our success externally, counting our clients, our funds and balances, how much we’ve done, achieved, how much we own, or how far we’ve come. These are all external measures. 

Can you sit alone, empty without measuring anything and still feel successful as a soul who has come to grow, evolve, remove the accolades, remove the bragging, remove the need to stand out? This is the accurate measure if one must measure… the true extent to be with what is and not feel uncomfortable because you may not have the steps an ego looks for. 

Can you feel pain and still show up with love? Can you feel empty and still give of yourself to another in need with expectation? Can you share in friendship without expectations of payments? Is your life a business measured by how much you gain and earn from others, or is your life a journey that crosses paths with others, allowing you to offer whatever you can in each moment without agenda?

The soul journey is one of honesty, not one of business success… business is always hidden with agenda of what will I or can I gain from you! How honest are you really with your intentions? Are they masked with care and concern for others, hidden behind an agenda of gaining only to reap as much as possible for yourself? Can you show up for someone without payment being required? Without counting the minutes?

The soul does not care about money. It never has and never will… Ketu in the Veda is all about the story of the soul. It cares not for ego gains; that’s the world of economy, that world that pushes and brainwashes us to believe we are never enough, that we don’t have enough, that we don’t own enough, we can’t give it away, that we must make people pay!

Sad world beliefs, we can see what that thinking has created right now before our eyes no longer hidden fully exposed, we criticise the big pharma the big industry. However, we are the same, looking to gain whatever we can, so we can be measured by material success just like them! How many people like to support only those that appear materially successful or who have big ratings, yet the little guy who puts heart and soul into everything becomes overlooked purely because he is not as known, or he may not have all the ratings and measures, but his heart is made of gold. The world neglects to feel into what’s real; they prefer to read into what’s been measured instead! The world of bragging is unbecoming; a guru will never tell you how great he is or how influential his magic is… he is simply content to be himself, allowing you to experience what is real and your truth. It’s time to grow, become real, move away from this world’s generator mindset, and become truly human and humble, aligning with heart and soul. The mind is a machine to be managed; it is not the driver. The soul is the driver; the heart is our guide; the reason articulates the message.  When Aligned, you have the Trinity. 

Delahrose Roobie Myer 


Shamanic Journeys with Owl Medicine …


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