The Eternal Struggle: Truth vs. Deception

We Say We Want The Truth; But Do We Really?

The Eternal Struggle: Truth vs. Deception

We Say We Want The Truth; But Do We?

From the dawn of human civilisation, a battle as old as time has raged quietly beneath the surface of societies: the war between truth and deception. The story is not new, and its contours are as familiar as the rise and fall of empires. Those who speak the truth are ignored; those who see the truth are shunned. Yet those who weave deception, cloaked in glamour and false promise, are elevated to pedestals that should rightly belong to the sincere, the courageous, and the caring. It is a sobering reflection on human nature and society that the glitter of lies often outshines the steadfast light of truth. But why does this happen? And what are the consequences of this imbalance?

A World Enamoured with Illusions

Modern society, like those before it, is obsessed with appearances. Glamour and spectacle have become the ultimate currency, valued above substance and sincerity. Social media feeds us a constant stream of glittering show ponies—the influencers, the charismatic liars, the polished personas who craft illusions of perfection. These figures draw adoration not because they embody truth but because they reflect the fantasies of a public desperate to escape its own reality.

In this chase for the glittering and glamorous truth-tellers, voices are drowned out. Truth is rarely beautiful in the conventional sense. It is raw and often uncomfortable and demands that we confront our flaws, hypocrisies, and contradictions. It requires courage not only to speak but also to hear. Unfortunately, courage is a quality in short supply.

The Plight of the Truth Speaker

Throughout history, those who dared to speak the truth have often faced exile, persecution, or death. Socrates drank hemlock to challenge Athens’ collective delusions. Galileo faced the wrath of the Church for daring to proclaim that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Martin Luther King Jr. was silenced for exposing the brutal realities of racism. The pattern is clear: truth-speakers are inconvenient to the status quo. They expose lies, disrupt comfort, and challenge the systems that benefit from deception.

This dynamic plays out in personal relationships, too. Those who care deeply and speak truthfully are often cast aside and seen as too intense, too serious, or simply too much. Meanwhile, the liars, the manipulators, and the charmers win favour with their easy words and shallow promises. This is not because people inherently prefer lies but because lies are more accessible to swallow. Truth demands accountability; lies offer an escape.

The Deception of Glamour

Glamour is the ultimate weapon of deception. It dazzles, distracts, and distorts, creating an illusion of value where none exists. The world’s fixation on glamour is not just a harmless preference for the aesthetically pleasing but a symptom of a deeper malaise. It reflects a collective inability to discern substance from surface, essence from appearance. The glittering façades of the show ponies may catch the eye, but they rarely hold the heart. Yet, society continues to reward these illusions, elevating liars to positions of power and influence while sidelining those who genuinely care.

This elevation of deception has devastating consequences. It erodes trust, undermines authenticity, and perpetuates a culture where sincerity is seen as a weakness rather than a strength. It creates a world where caring is a liability, and truth becomes an act of rebellion.

The Astrology of the Current Moment

Astrology offers a lens through which we can understand the deeper patterns of human behaviour and societal dynamics. As we approach Saturn’s return to Aries in 2025, we are entering a period that demands accountability, courage, and the stripping away of illusions. Aries, the sign of the warrior, challenges us to confront our fears, reclaim our integrity, and act with bold sincerity. Saturn’s influence insists on maturity and structure, forcing us to dismantle the systems that perpetuate deception and rebuild on the foundations of truth.

However, this transformation will not be easy. Saturn’s lessons are often harsh, and the world’s obsession with glamour, money, and status has created a deeply entrenched system of values prioritising personal gain over collective care. We have lost our ability to recognise integrity and genuine care because we have been conditioned to chase numbers, prestige, and superficial validation. This is the shadow of our times: we stand on the heads of others to elevate ourselves, all while ignoring those who genuinely care, speak the truth, and challenge the status quo.

The Sacrificial Lambs

Truth speakers are often used as sacrificial lambs. They are outcasts, dismissed as crazy, or ridiculed for challenging the comfortable lies that society clings to. Their willingness to care deeply and speak boldly is met with resistance because it threatens the illusions that people are invested in. And yet, the more we feed this system of deception, the more it grows. Everyone wants money, power, and recognition, so they continue to feed the problem, perpetuating the cycle of glamour and lies.

The cost of this cycle is profound. We erode our collective humanity, trading authenticity for hollow victories and leaving the truly sincere to bear the weight of a broken system. But as Saturn moves into Aries, it offers us an opportunity to break this cycle. The astrology of this moment demands that we confront our complicity, embrace discomfort, and choose truth over deception, even when it is hard.

The Unyielding Power of Truth

Despite the seeming triumph of deception, truth remains indomitable. It may be ignored, suppressed, or ridiculed but cannot be destroyed. Truth is not dependent on recognition or approval; it simply is. And while lies may glitter momentarily, their brilliance inevitably fades, revealing the emptiness beneath. Truth endures like a flame that cannot be extinguished.

Truth speakers and truth seers may have been ignored in their time, but their words and actions often become the seeds of transformation. History vindicates them, even if their contemporaries do not. The arc of the moral universe, as Martin Luther King Jr. observed, is long but bends toward justice—and truth is the force that bends it.

Choosing the Path of Truth

Choosing truth is an act of defiance in a world enamoured with illusions. It requires rejecting the glittering allure of deception and embracing the raw, often uncomfortable reality of authenticity. It means standing firm in the face of ridicule, rejection, and resistance. It means caring deeply, even when the world seems indifferent.

The path is not easy for those who speak and see the truth. But it is a path of integrity, purpose, and, ultimately, liberation. 

For while lies may enslave, truth sets us free. And though the world may elevate liars today, the truth-tellers shape the future.

So, let us cast aside the glamour of show ponies and the hollow promises of glittering deception. 

Let us honour those whose hearts genuinely care, whose words challenge and inspire, whose vision cuts through the fog of ignorance. 

The battle between truth and deception is far from over, but every act of truth-telling is a victory. 

And in the end, it is the truth that will prevail.

Now, We must begin to ask ourselves some questions- if we care, genuinely care, then - 

Why is it so hard to support those who are relentlessly striving to bring truth and awareness to light? Why do we judge their worth by their follower count or the shine of a polished presentation? Why do we hesitate to take a simple action—like hitting “like”—to uplift voices that challenge the status quo?

Brilliance is dismissed, not because it lacks substance, but because it doesn’t fit the algorithm’s mould. Tireless efforts to share vital truths are buried, ignored, and left unsupported—not for lack of value, but because this system thrives on popularity, not purpose. These voices—the ones speaking for humanity, for truth—need people. Real people. People like you.

Why are those who give everything—their heart, energy, and resources—left unseen when the world needs them the most? Why do we scroll past their work, knowing full well that algorithms feed on likes, shares, and engagement? A single click costs you nothing but could mean everything to someone fighting for what matters.

So why do we ignore this reality? Why do we withhold such a simple act of support from those trying harder than most to serve humanity with integrity? A like isn’t just a click—it’s a signal, a message, a ripple. It amplifies their reach, affirms their effort, and helps them keep going in a system designed to stifle voices that don’t conform.

If we value truth, courage, and wisdom, it’s time to act like it. Start small but meaningful—hit the like button. Share their work. Show them that their efforts matter. It’s not just about breaking algorithms; it’s about standing with those who are working tirelessly for the greater good.

What is the Truth? What is your Truth? Will you rise to meet its call or retreat into the comfort of deception and denial? The choice is yours—face it or hide from it.

And when it comes to those bringing truth to light, will you support them or let apathy win? This moment matters, and your choice has never been more critical.

Remember - “Keep Your Eyes On The Stars and Your Feet On The Ground"

By Delahrose

You can Book consultations via my website, email, or message me directly.  


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