The Energy of the Present Moment: A Reflection on Growth and Awakening
“I feel compelled to write this down after what was said. During a client session, we were deeply engaged in conversation, and as I reflected, I found myself explaining both my personal experiences and my observations of the current times.”
The Energy of the Present Moment: A Reflection on Growth and Awakening
Recently, the energy has felt intense—highly dynamic and revealing much beneath the surface. It's not about being pulled back into past wounds; instead, it’s an acknowledgment of the prevalent distortions in the world. Reflecting on this, I considered the illusions I’ve navigated, their inherent contradictions, and how these same distortions persist—only presented differently. This triggers a deep emotional response in me, leading to frustration, a roar within my being that wants to scream: Can’t you see the contradictions? Can’t you recognise your ignorance?
The core problem we encounter isn’t mere ignorance—it’s the repetitive cycle of consuming knowledge without putting it into practice. Individuals absorb information, gain insights, and broaden their intellectual horizons, but where does integration occur? How do we genuinely embody what we’ve learned? If knowledge is not applied, it becomes another distraction—something to devour instead of a catalyst for genuine change.
However, transformation is not glamorous; it is often tedious. It demands enduring discomfort and confronting irritation, boredom, and introspection. This is precisely where many individuals falter, opting to pursue the next ‘new’ thing instead of engaging with the challenging task of integrating their existing knowledge.
This reluctance to engage in genuine self-reflection complicates the sharing of these messages. Facing the truth feels daunting, both for others and for me. I dislike being the messenger, even though I recognise it's necessary. I often question: Who granted me the right to express these thoughts? Have I personally experienced everything I discuss? Or am I merely reflecting the familiar narratives people find comfort in because they are commonly accepted?
We stand at a pivotal moment. The traditional systems of control, hierarchy, and blindly following leaders are breaking down amidst the emergence of the Aquarian Age. Many misconstrue this shift as merely about unity, harmony, and togetherness. However, true unity is challenging to achieve. Consider any survival scenario: when left to their instincts, do humans naturally cooperate in harmony, or do they often turn against one another?
Even those who claim to be awakened often revert to rigid spiritual dogma, quoting teachings rather than embodying compassion when it is truly needed. The book says to let go, so let go. But where is the genuine, felt understanding? Where is the living truth of those words?
People can only let go and dissolve in their own time. To judge or criticise them only disrupts their progress—forcing a process that is uniquely their own. Too often, people repeat spiritual phrases and prescribed teachings yet fail to see that they merely echo words without true wisdom. Is this truly the way?
Criticising someone for not ‘moving on’ quickly enough overlooks that they are not idle. They are actively transforming—integrating, deepening, and refining their insights into meaningful wisdom. This wisdom doesn't require external validation; it needs to be fully acknowledged within themselves.
Genuine wisdom does not crave validation. It demands a comprehension of every angle, facet, and transformative element of an experience. It's not about merely making judgments but about navigating the profound depths of knowledge—ultimately, when reflecting on the past, it becomes a process of observing it from a place of complete integration rather than merely revisiting it.
Reflecting on the past isn't a step backward. After gaining profound insights, looking back demonstrates the capacity to perceive the complete picture—not only the positive, the negative, or the unpleasant, but all aspects—and to acknowledge, retrospectively, how the world persists in its contradictions.
Words hold no meaning until they are genuinely understood. They transform into wisdom only when they are experienced. Without this, they are merely echoes—repeated for acknowledgment rather than embraced in authenticity.
The Alchemical Process: The Threshold of Transformation
True evolution occurs when we confront our discomfort, hypocrisy, and contradictions. Without this confrontation, we remain stagnant, perpetuating cycles of tearing each other down until we arrive at a critical breaking point—a crucible moment where everything must dissolve to be reborn.
This represents the alchemical process, the genuine transformation of lead into gold. Humanity remains in the calcination stage, where false structures, identities, and illusions are dismantled. Yet, many believe that an external force—the Pleiadians or beings from Sirius—will rescue them. However, that's not how it operates. If your consciousness isn't ready to embrace the subsequent frequency, it will break you instead of lifting you up.
Transformation is all or nothing. You cannot remain partially in the old world while stepping into the new. Alchemy does not allow for a halfway transformation; lead cannot remain lead once it has turned gold.
Reflecting on my journey, I see how much I have personally struggled—how profoundly I have experienced the rejection of not fitting into the mainstream, of not being recognized or understood. I've questioned myself, doubted my value, and asked if I am just not good enough. Yet, even that belief is part of the construct that must disappear.
Energetic bindings are devices intentionally created to obstruct heightened sensitivity, similar to ancient magical protections that safeguard individuals from overpowering forces. However, there comes a moment when it's necessary to release these bindings. I've come to understand that these energies continue to flow through me even as a facilitator and alchemist. My approach isn't based on the formal teachings from a course; instead, it stems from personal experience and the direct transmission of these energies within me.
Thus, the journey of an alchemist involves continuous introspection. Energy flows in cycles, intertwining like threads in a tapestry, drawing people and experiences into our lives for a purpose. Trickster energy, or Lilith energy, acts as a disruptor—not for harm, but to challenge, stimulate growth, and test our attachment to outdated narratives. These energies reveal whether our beliefs genuinely reflect our evolving selves or merely echo our past, rooted in fear.
This work is authentic and unfiltered. It represents a journey that defies traditional frameworks because it is rooted in direct experience rather than conventional theory. It is shaped by spirit and lived reality, not derived from books or certifications.
As I progress, I realise that this process—both for me and those I collaborate with—focuses not on instruction but facilitation. It involves understanding that when something resonates within an individual, it generates a magnetic attraction, bringing in everything required for transformation.
Energy interlaces within us, creating the potential for genuine transformation. We stand at a pivotal moment as old ways fade away. The crucial question is: Are we ready to fully release what was, or do we cling to fragments of the past while merely acting open to the future?
Because this transformation—this alchemy—is not optional.
It is happening. Ready or not?
As I reflect on my life, pain, and experiences, I am not simply reliving them; instead, I fully comprehend them now. This understanding allows me to teach authentically. I recognise how the world remains ensnared in dogma, echoing platitudes aimed at silencing rather than awakening. However, wisdom cannot be borrowed; it must be experienced, integrated, and embodied to guide others truly.
By Delahrose Roobie Myer
Alchemist of Energy & Time | Astrologer of the Seen & Unseen | Mentor of Transformation