
We must all now practice discernment! 

Don't just accept things because Google or anyone else says so. Life is meant to be understood through our own experiences! Now is the moment to seize control of our path, deepen our bond with ourselves and our spiritual self, tap into our wisdom and guidance, and learn to trust it.

Does it feel authentically aligned, or are you listening to people who appear as authorities and taking what they say to be absolute?

As new frequencies enter our atmosphere and awareness, we must evolve into sharper versions of our past selves. We can no longer afford to place our trust in fleeting trends or fashions, treating it merely as a game.

Astrology is flooding social media platforms with adorable memes, entertaining statements, forecasts, and eye-catching gestures to gain more followers, financial benefits, and elevated status. However, if you take a moment to pause and reflect on this information, you'll realise that much of it is crafted to mislead and confuse.

Astrology goes beyond amusing memes and discovering soulmates or twin flames; it’s a profound science of comprehension. Making a general predictive statement to a group feels hollow, becoming background noise.

Individuals latch onto trends and mimic one another in the pursuit of fame. This approach does not reflect accurate astrology, nor is it beneficial. Each person is distinct, with their importance and individuality. Social media revolves around attracting an audience to help businesses become successful.

The astrology presented lacks accuracy. Complete predictions are unattainable because free will influences every aspect of an individual's beliefs and consciousness.

To understand actual astrology is to study yourself through astrology media; it’s not to run out and become an astrologer and mimic other’s teachings, books, or courses and think that’s it. It’s a path of discovery. 

Astrology is evolving; traditional texts don't align with today's new energies. I've heard multiple reports from sources I once respected, but I'm starting to distance myself from the commercialisation mindset.

Sadly, people are a little like monkeys. Monkey see, monkey do! 

Our world is built upon mimicry and competition. 

People should remember to embrace their heart-centred originality authentically rather than seek perfection externally, ultimately deceiving the self. They often fear that not conforming to others' ways will hinder their success, falling into a trend mentality.

They lose sight of self-understanding; instead, they choose to imitate others and remain trapped in the outdated mindset of competing, appropriating the ideas of others to assert their own identity.

This foolishness has become tedious for both eyes and ears. We are being steered away from these behaviours, which have contributed to the current crisis in our world.

An old saying goes, "A wolf never needs to announce itself as a wolf." A wolf is self-aware and doesn’t require reminders of its identity.

Focus on self-discovery rather than seeking popularity by imitating others who appear successful, which might not be accurate. Ultimately, without personal experience, true understanding remains elusive, and authenticity in knowledge is compromised.

Everything seems increasingly subjective, particularly today, as many act like authorities in fields such as astrology. This often stems from having completed a course, being part of a group, or simply repeating what they've learned without fully grasping the concepts at a deeper level.

Words remain just words until they are experienced internally and externally; only then do they transform into knowledge and wisdom. People often assert themselves as authorities; the listener must evaluate what resonates with their perspective.

Many still adhere to the outdated supply and demand matrix, ignoring quality! This results in no fresh innovations, only individuals striving to accumulate wealth to boast about their riches, thereby earning the trust of the masses.

Silver-tongued foxes masquerading as spiritual leaders.

I favour individuals without large followings who aren’t profiting millions from memes and self-promotion regarding their success and earnings from seekers! (It’s beginning to resemble churches) that charge to entertain distracted individuals craving direction rather than encouraging them to pause, listen, and engage in deep, authentic self-reflection.

Astrology is primarily a science, serving as a tool to comprehend frequencies and their effects on the deeper psyche. Your grasp of this knowledge will vary based on your perception, processing style, responses, and the standpoint from which you engage. This topic can lead to profound insights.

- This is why I choose to work individually with clients. My goal is to help them connect with their deeper truths and essence, which provides them with a strong sense of direction that is uniquely theirs and cannot be taken or replicated. Our true nature is our vibration.

In a world characterised by excess, the new mantra for wealth is: Less is More! A concentrate holds much greater richness than a diluted spray. Recall that a lie shies away from scrutiny, always opting to evade and redirect rather than explore further.

Surface surfing is not grounded in soulful evolution. 

The game of mirrors and masks has intensified, with people frantically seeking shortcuts, even if it requires accepting illusions as truth. It’s evolving into mere buzzwords and recycled noise. Discernment is our sole filter for refining our understanding and fostering growth.

I love this from John Lennon. 

“Everyone is talking, and no one says a word!”

With infinite Love and Gratitude 

By Delahrose


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